完整的“中国制造”产品全部是中国制造吗? 不,不是的. 让我们找出原因.


发布: 梅布尔 评论: 0 0

How many times have you gone shopping, picked up a product, and seen the tag, “Made in China”? 这种情况很可能不止发生过一两次. This is because China is the largest supplier of imported goods and 3rd largest export goods market in 2020 for the U.S. 使其成为美国最大的.S. 贸易伙伴.

But the truth is that just because something is tagged with a “Made in China” tag, 它并不一定完全起源于中国. Each individual component or element of the final product may as well be constructed in different parts of the world and then exported to China.

It is usually the assembly of these individual components that takes place in China to form the final product, 既然这是它完成的最后一步, 因此被认为是中国制造. 因此, many of your favorite “Made in China” goods might as well be made with parts used from elsewhere, 考虑到中国是美国经济的领头羊.S. 贸易伙伴, there’s a good chance that these parts are from the U.S.

This goes to show that just because something is tagged with “Made in China,” it does not necessarily mean that only Chinese people will get profit from its sale. The brands retailing the products do as well and their profits are larger, no question.


所以,现在出现的问题是为什么要在中国生产? Compared to all the other countries, what has made manufacturing in China a staple practice?

This is because the advantages of producing in China are way more than any other country. 这也是为什么我们, 在Savvy Apparel Studio, manufacture in China to bring you the most profitable conditions for developing and producing your apparel collections.


1. 更低的制造成本

管理企业的间接成本可能是一项艰巨的任务. Making the most economically feasible decisions is the key to maximizing profits and strengthening the backbone of any business.

We 在Savvy Apparel Studio understand that and want to bring you the best rates for getting the work done. 与国内生产成本相比, manufacturing in China can be considerably cheaper and more profitable for the brand. The affordable rates in China make it the ideal overseas manufacturing partner.

除此之外, 当你和我们一起工作时, you can easily avoid having to deal with the headache of all types of costs because when you manufacture the products yourself, 你必须承担行政费用, 内部招聘成本和所有其他运营成本. 也, managing China 生产s requires certain expertise and proper management, which would again increase your costs or increase probability of huge losses. This could be easily handled by our experts who will take great care in ensuring that the execution of the 生产 is done with proficiency.

2.  更优质的生产

No retailer wants to compromise on quality when it comes to their goods. After all, the quality of your goods can be a defining factor in your business reputation. This is one of the many reasons to go with the time-tested factories in China that are trustworthy and dependable. We have already produced and outsourced goods for brands globally and established our manufacturing capabilities well.

3. 更高效的生产

当在当地生产时,尤其是在美国.S., you may be competing against numerous market leaders that are usually the best in their offerings.

在这种情况下, new businesses are not able to put up much of a fight and may suffer as a result of that. 然而,在中国,你不必担心任何这样的竞争. 你们的生产可以顺利进行, 操作故障率明显降低, 而且缺陷几乎从来不是个问题.

此外, many products often have complex designs that cannot be produced in the U.S. 最终都被外包给海外工厂. So, it’s better to instead have the entire 生产 process take place in a more economical location in the first place.


Now that you are aware of the major benefits of producing in China, there’s a good chance you may be considering manufacturing in China as well. But the big question that arises is, why should you work with Savvy Apparel Studio? What are we bringing to the table that would otherwise be difficult to achieve alone? 简单地说,

●     在一站得到你所有的需要

We don’t just take care of product manufacturing; from product design to product management, 生产, 以及中间的所有步骤, we offer services every step of the way so you can easily monitor the development of your apparel in one go without needing to enter multiple different contracts with different companies for each step.

我们的网络十大博彩公司app下载范围从产品开发, 包括设计, 做模式, 分级, 标记, 技术包到产品生产, 这涉及到原型, 最后的样品, 采购, 最后是管理层, 其中包括审计, 检查, 以及最终产品的质量指标.

凭借我们在中国的专业人员和合作伙伴的专业知识, you can expect quality that is on par with big brands around the world.

●     预防诈骗

在中国制造, a significant barrier that many business companies may face is the threat of being scammed due to their lack of knowledge around the area.

不懂当地的语言, the valid concern of whether the work is being done right or not is sure to surface sooner or later.

此外, you cannot even visit the factory and monitor the labor yourself all the time since it is being done overseas. These few disadvantages can make anyone reconsider the whole operation.

然而, 如果我们告诉你有办法解决这一切呢, and you can safely manufacture overseas and save money without any lingering concerns of being scammed?

You can do this by working with trusted companies like ours that will securely outsource to China and ensure quality work is being done, and thus you can immediately eliminate any chance of being scammed.


因此, working with Savvy Apparel Studio and manufacturing in China is not only a favorable decision for your business financially, 但它也将确保更好的质量, 更高的效率, 成为你的业务需要被放在地图上的推动力.


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